De-Atomizer 9000 Explosive

Explosive Weapon: Launcher - Retro Sci-Fi. Fires a ball of energy that explodes on contact and sends out piercing energy projectiles. Does not consume ammo, but has very low durability.
De-Atomizer 9000
+38 Cooling Rate
+38 Cooling Rate
+90% Crit Damage
+24% Damage to Mist Monsters and Bosses
Eliminating an enemy creates an expanding ring of damage. This can only occur every 4 seconds.

De-Atomizer 9000 Stats

Main Stats

Damage: 175
Crit Chance: 10%
Crit Damage: 50%
Fire Rate: 1.0
Magazine Size: 0
Range: 768
Durability: 30
Durability per Use: 1.00
Reload Time: 0.0
Ammo Type: None
Ammo Cost: 0
Impact: 750


Point Blank: 175
Mid Range: 122.50
Long Range: 35
Max Range: 3.50


Point Blank: 256
Mid Range: 384
Long Range: 768


Down Sights: x0.50
Standing Still: x0.80


Point Blank: 750
Mid Range: 525
Long Range: 150
Max Range: 15

Environmental Damage

Point Blank: 197
Mid Range: 138
Long Range: 39
Max Range: 3.94