The Baron Hardware

Hardware: Steampunk. A hammer that delivers a hefty punch with slow, wide swings. Steampunk Smash: Heavy attack that slams the ground damaging enemies around it.
The Baron
+10% Attack Speed
+21% Durability
Physical and +26% Damage
+27 Armor
+20% Damage
Causes Affliction damage for 6 seconds.

The Baron Stats

Main Stats

Damage: 98
Crit Chance: 20%
Crit Damage: 75%
Attack Speed: 0.88
Durability: 375
Durability per Use: 0.53
Impact: 413
Environmental Damage: 33

Hero Loadouts

A list of hero loadouts that include this weapon within the build. If you want to build your own hero loadout, feel free to use our Hero Loadout Builder and tell us all about it!