Guide to Farming

Guide to Farming

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Farming is an essential part of your experience in Save the World. You will not make it very far in this mysterious storm, without some materials to help you weather it. In this world you get to keep what you earn and you earn what you keep.

You will need to collect building materials to build within the game. You will need crafting materials in order to craft your weapon and trap schematics that you have collected so far in your journey.

Traps and weapons are both a crucial part of how you play and win. Since they have durability you will need to continually craft these throughout your entire play time. Farming will be absolutely crucial to how successful you are within the game.

Most things within the Save the World environment are destructable. That means they have a health bar and can be destroyed. Once an object is destroyed, it will drop a resource related to the object type. Some objects can be interacted with and will generate loot after a small timer has passed.

Farming will consist of collecting these materials from the different parts of the environment. Whether you're destroying cars or picking flowers, you farm the resources you need until you have all that you need.

You can use weapons and abilities to destroy the environment but the pickaxe is the most common way you will use to destroy obstacles, unless you pick a special hero to use. You swing your pickaxe to hit objects in the environment. Every hero has a pickaxe when they start the game. It upgrades over time as you level up.

The farming system is quite extensive. There is no simple way to put it. It is important to understand what schematic requires what resource and where you can find that resource in order to acquire it. This will be a fundamental part of your playing experience, as will be collecting all of these various schematics in the game.

Lets check out all the different types of materials that are in the game first.